Management Retreat

Regardless of the size and type of organisation, senior management must set a time apart to think about the future and plan for it. It is the most important activity.

Our Management Retreat event captures the evolutionary state of the organisation and reviews the performance scorecards looking at Financials, Customers, Internal Processes, and Learning perspectives, all with a view to bringing about favourable climate and re-positioning your company for challenges of the immediate and the long term.

Learning Objectives

This Retreat will:

  • Help you think a new, analyse and envision
  • Reveal area of current challenge(s)
  • Allow a simpler and deeper understanding of your business
  • Enable you design more effective business model
  • Formulate a successful business model
  • Help set new scorecard objectives
  • Enhance the formulation of competitive strategies
  • Highlight processes for quantum improvements
  • Help develop actions plans for all business units
  • Help build emotional commitment of management and employees to plan execution.


Negotiable.  Available on request as in-plant only.

Who Should Attend?

Executive Managers of Organisations



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